Research and Development Centre for Environmental Microbiology (RDCEM)
  • Staff

      Professor (Position/Specialty):
      Meiying Xu
      Meiying Xu (Environmental microbiology and biotechnology) ADDRESS: Guangdong Institute of Microbiology,Guangdong Academic of Science 58, 100 Central Xianlie Road Guangzhou China, 510070 CO...25-12-2019

  • Research Platform

      GDEP Key Lab for Microbiology and Regional Eco-Safety
      National Engineering Laboratory for VOCs Pollution Control Technology and Equipment
      GLP Laboratory for Ecotoxicity & Environmental Safety
      PIMMB Technical Lab for Ecological Sec...25-12-2019

  • Research and Development Centre of Environmental Microbiology (RDCEM)

      RDCEM was founded in 1986 by Professor Haoran Jian, an honored pioneer who devoted himself to Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology. In combination of the academic frontiers and society demands, RDCEM has been given great expectation i...25-12-2019

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